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Sending Prayers to Seckond Chaynce in Wake of his Sister's Murder

Seckond Chaynce has canceled his shows coming up this weekend due to a horrific family tragedy. A man well known to him by the name of Demontery Jackson shot his sister 3 times and left her for dead. Read the Tampa Bay post about it below. Country Rap News sends prayers.

This is what Chaynce had to say on his most recent Facebook post,

This is my last post. I’m gonna get off of social media for a while to let these screams and roars out.

YOUNG MAN!! My momma FED YOU, TRIED TO HELP YOU BETTER YOURSELF, GAVE YOU OPPORTUNITY, Tried to help you get Jobs etc and this is how you repay her kindness? On my SOUL I was prepared to go to prison when I got off of this plane young man. I had already made a choice but it looks like you are gonna beat me to it. You took my 1st baby from me bro. Shot my baby 3 fucking times and left her there to die like a dog in the street. FUCKING COWARD!!! I left early to try to beat the storm that was coming to Florida so that my flight wouldn’t get delayed or postponed I Had no idea that I was about to face a storm of this magnitude.

Thank you all for your prayers and words of encouragement. I never thought this type of thing would hit so close to home and especially not my BABY SISTER.

Rest well Kumyra Your baby girl is ok and she will be WELL taken care of as if she was my own biological daughter. #ripkumyra #restwell #weloveyou #youreverybreathwillbecoveted

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Hannah Miller
Hannah Miller
Feb 10, 2022

God bless, to him, and R.I.P., Kumyra...

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